Our premium made artisan chocolate starts with sourcing the world’s finest cacao beans. As a specialty, hand made chocolate producer, our goal is to select different and…

When the cacao beans first arrive in burlap sacks they must first go through stringent sorting process to separate the best beans as well as plant debris.

Each batch is roasted to highlight the specific traits of each bean variety. Each cacao bean origin is roasted in our fluid bed roaster in small quantities to reveal its inherent…

After roasting and cooling the cacao, the outer husk of the bean must be removed. This is performed by cracking the bean into what are known as nibs.

Traditionally this was accomplished in two steps. Today, modern machinery can accomplish this at the same time. Each chocolate refines/conches for different amounts…

The process of tempering is an alignment of the crystals found within the cocoa butter. Tempering is what gives chocolate its shine and snap.

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